God's Work

I had the idea for Sunday's special service format several weeks ago and pitched it to the team. No one was really sure and it was very slow coming together. As a result, I went in to yesterday morning very unsure and a little afraid. How would people receive the service? Would the message get lost? Would I mess it up? Well, as I sit at my desk today (Monday) I realize that the very Scripture I used on Sunday "do not be anxious about anything..." I should actually practice. GOD SHOWED UP! HE REALLY MOVED! PEOPLE WERE TOUCHED! I truly believe from the comments people have shared with me, the e-mails I have received and the tears that came in every one of the 3 services, this Thanksgiving (and every day following) will be different for many folks! Thank you God for using ME!!!!

I will close with an e-mail I received this morning. I have been given permission to share...

TOTALLY FANTABULOUS, AWESOME, TERRIFIC (I could go on and on) sermon yesterday. My grandpa died December 13th ten years ago and since the last time I saw him alive was Thanksgiving, this is a really tough time of year for me (as I'm crying typing this). As my biological father has been in prison my whole life, my grandpa was everything to me. Yesterday I was able to put my anger at him for leaving me (and possibly a little anger at God for taking him), and I can now start to have an even closer relationship with God. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and for being my friend.