God showed up!

I received another cool e-mail this afternoon about how God moved at LCC on Sunday. I just know you will get God bumps while reading this! GOD IS SO GOOD!

Thank you for all you do for us and the Church as a whole. We really do appreciate you very much. I know I don’t tell you enough. There have been many sermons that have uplifted me more than you know. Yesterday in particular, I sat in the very back row. Something I very rarely do. A young lady sat next to me that I hadn’t seen before. The Lord was telling me to introduce myself through the whole service, so I did. I didn’t realize it at the time, but later I ran into a friend of mine at the grocery. She told me her sister had been coming to our Church for a couple of weeks and really liked it. She said everyone welcomed her and she appreciated that. Evidently she had gone to a few other Church’s in Loveland and she was just stared at when she walked in the door. As it turns out, she is my friend’s sister. I have been trying to get my friend to come to Church with me for quite a while now. Her girls did come with Kyleigh this year to VBS and they loved it!

This is just one more reason to take every opportunity when it comes along. I am really praying this will work on my friend and motivate her to join us one of these Sundays very soon.

Thanks again Brian,
