Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of writing lately. Things have been really busy and we also had a death in the family, so I have not had blogging on my mind.
We have finished two weeks of our current series at LCC: All I Want For Christmas. The first week we touched on GIFTS! Not so much getting, but giving yourself as a Gift in honor of Christ. This past Sunday we learned about PEACE! Jesus came to bring Peace to all men. Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of Jesus! "To Know Peace, you must Know Christ." If you missed either message, I would encourage you to CLICK HERE and listen when you get a chance.
I received this e-mail response to the message on Peace and have received permission to share...
Hi, Brian! Just wanted to share something with you…on our prayer request card on Sunday, I put to pray for job security for Brian. We knew lay offs were coming, but not sure if he was one of those getting laid off. Yesterday we found out that they are laying off the entire company for two weeks starting Dec. 22nd. The good news is that we will get to spend an entire two weeks together…I think that will be good…ha..ha!!! Anyway, the point of all of this is because of your sermon on Sunday. As you were preaching, I knew in my heart that Brian would be laid off. Everything that you said was preparing me for how to react when the news came. We were going to have the conflict in our lives that you talked about, but we have to remember to keep Jesus in our hearts. The hardest thing for me is the worrying…I AM NOT WORRYING and that is something HUGE for me…I am a worrier! Instead I am praying. I know that God has a plan for our family, and we will be ok. He is with us and will provide us with what we need! I trust Him and have faith in Him! Your sermon was directed right at me, and prepared me for yesterday. So, thank you! Now…at first, I failed the “test” miserably! I was mad, angry, and worried. Then I started thinking about Sunday. I even pulled Sunday’s bulletin out of the trash! I shared everything with Brian, and I think it eased his mind as well! If you could keep praying for us, and especially Brian. Thanks for all you do…we are blessed to have you as our preacher!