catching up. Random Thoughts

Election Day...

I left church (which had 2 precincts). Looked at the church across the street which also had 3 precincts. Drove past a couple churches with voting. Went to a church to vote. I think the guy in front of me in line said it best when he looked around and said: "So much for the separation of church and state." Seriously, could we have elections without precincts meeting in churches? Interesting that when the state needs the church, they will pay for it, however, when it is not needed anymore, the church is the enemy!

One other thing hit me while I was standing in line for 1 1/2 hours to vote. I was thinking about how many cars were parked in church lots. In some cases, people left work, took a long lunch, skipped work, put family things aside, waited in traffic, drove around lots several times waiting for a spot to park, stood in long lines and missed appointments ALL TO GO TO CHURCH to vote. Sad that many of those churches will not have crowds like that again until 2012. Amazing that people will do all of these things to vote at church, yet they use the same reasons for missing church.


By the way. Church, we didn't elect God out of our country. He is still in control and His promises are still true. Let's stand for HIM no matter what. America is counting on YOU!!!

Sunday at LCC

What an amazing day. The singing was totally sweet. Even though we lost our projection, we never missed a beat. The choir was rockin! The band sounded great! The applause for the men and women who serve or have served our country still gives me goose bumps. The sermon received a ton of positive feedback and thanks. Chuck Middlekamp joined the church after second service. Offering was great for the second week in a row. The veterans display in the foyer was breath-taking and very informative. The lunch at the American Legion hall was simply fabulous. Great turn out and lots of great food. Thanks to everyone who had any part in the weekend, your work did not go unnoticed.


Several people have been working around LCC. I am not going to name anyone, because I will miss someone. Thanks to ??? for painting the trim on the building. Thanks to ???? for helping remove shingles from the shelter roof. Thanks to ???? for roofing the shelter.


We had another great meeting tonight. It is extra special because we only have one meeting left. What do I mean? Well, our (small group) has grown from 12 people to 26 people. WAY TO BIG!! We are now splitting into two groups. One will meet in Loveland and one in Maineville. Thanks to Larry Charles for stepping up to facilitate one of the groups. We split in December. It is exciting times, however, I will miss my loveland peeps!!!!!!! Now, which group will grow and need to split first? Could it be a competition? LOL!


Starting tomorrow evening I AM ON VACATION!!!!!!!

B. OUT!!