View Beyond The Pew

Sunday was awesome. WOW! God is sooo cool. The worship was fantastic, the spirit was active, people were excited to be there, attendance was good, God brought brand new friends to share with us, prayers were answered, burdens were released and the entire service was particularly relevant. This N That is a great series because it allows me to speak into the very heart of where we all are here and now. If you missed it, please CLICK HERE and spend a half hour or so listening to the message. Do me a favor, if you are a Christian, please listen to this message before you vote in November. Long story short: We are disciples of Christ first, We are American's second, then and only then, do we show our "political party" colors. Don't forget, we are Ambassadors of Jesus Christ not any human, even a candidate for President of the United States of America. Live for Him. Love for Him. BE HIM to this world.

The morning was complete when Nina Cadigan came forward with her family to confess her faith in Christ and to be baptized for the forgiveness of her sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. It was a moving moment! Congratulations Nina, I am so proud of you!!

REVIVAL AT LCC? Could be? Don't miss this Sunday as we look at FEAR in a sermon entitled "Fear Factor". This is a must before Halloween weekend arrives.

B. OUT!!