She made the national news

If you attend LCC you may remember that a few weeks ago I spoke of a little 10 year old girl from Louisville by the name of Michala Riggle. Her younger brother was diagnosed with Autism and was finally starting to respond to an experimental treatment. Since her brother had begun to make vast improvement, Michala wanted to make sure that all kids with Autism had the chance to take these treatments. The doctors told her that testing would be $200,000. Michala heard the story of Jesus feeding thousands with a couple loafs and fishes at Southeast Christian Church and decided that if He could do that through some disciples, He could work a miracle through her. Michala began to make beaded bracelets and see them for $2 each. When I shared the story in my sermon series "Biggie Sized Faith" she had raised over $16,000 toward the cause.

On Tuesday morning I happened to turn to Good Morning America, which was a God thing, because I don't watch GMA. Now in my sermon I told all of you to watch for this girl, because I just knew that God would not allow this little girls faith to go unnoticed. Sure enough, there was her story on GMA. I am planning to show the clip on Sunday, however, I wanted to give you the link to watch it for yourself. WOW, it moves me to tears every time I see it! GOD IS AMAZING!